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Fetching water holds back Indian women from earning, hinders economic growth: Report

As India swelters, one of the many problems that women face during summers is walking for miles each day to fetch water for their households.

Fetching water is one of the chores that millions of women in India do; however, this is holding them back and hampering economic growth.

A report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF states that in “seven out of 10 households, women and girls are responsible for water collection.”

BBC spoke to some women from Maharashtra who fetch water daily. Their stories indicate that the duty of fetching water is straining for them in many ways.

Sunita Bhurbade from Maharashtra’s Tringalwadi called it a “daily struggle”. Sunita has a routine of travelling for 4 to 5 hours to fetch water from the nearest lake. The water, she said, is dirty, due to which she has to “dig holes on the side for the water to filter through.”

“I get so tired that I…

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