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C2Q 2021 HDD Update

part of a open harddisk, toned image


Following are some data from the August 2021 Digital Storage Technology Newsletter on HDD results in C2Q and projections out to 2026.

Total HDD shipments in C2Q 2021 were up 5.1% compared with C1Q 2021 (67.4M versus 64.1M). C1Q 2021 were down 8.8% compared with C4Q 2020, up 10.8% in C4Q 2020 from C3Q 2020, up 8.3% in C3Q from C2Q 2020, and down 13.5% in C2Q from C1Q 2020.

Notebook HDD shipments are estimated to be up about 1% from the prior quarter while desktop HDD shipments are down by about 1% Q2Q.  CE HDD shipments are estimated up 7.9% while branded shipments were down about 8% Q2Q.  High performance enterprise HDDs were up about 2.1% while near line enterprise HDDs were up 20.2% Q2Q.  

3.5-inch HDDs are estimated to have increased by 12.8% Q/Q.  2.5-inch HDDs decreased by 3.8% Q2Q.   

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