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The Latest News, Headlines, and Business Stories for December 9

Marianne Ayala/Insider

It’s Saturday, buds! The holiday season feels like it’s in full swing. If you’re interested in different holiday festivities, try one of these 16 unique British traditions, like watching a pantomime, guessing the “Christmas No. 1,” or eating a mince pie.

In today’s big story, we’re looking at how companies aren’t adopting the simple solution for easing worker burnout.

What’s on deck: 

But first, can you hit a lil’ work flex for me?

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The big story

Workplace flex(ibility)

Uncovering new and promising remote-job opportunities starts with reflection. Commercial Eye/Getty Images

Companies often discuss ideas like the four-day workweek or paid sabbaticals to keep employees happy. But they’re skirting a simple concept that’s more impactful: flexibility.

More than 80% of people want location flexibility, according…

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