Robin Ficker
Candidate in May 14 primary
Boyds, Montgomery County
Age: 1943 on day of General Election (Nov. 5)
Occupation: Farmer, Real Estate Broker, Invester
Education: Maryland Public Schools K-12, U.S.M.A. West Point, Case Institute of Technology B.S. Engineering, University of Pennsylvania Law School, University of Baltimore Law School J.D. American University, Masters in Public Administration (simultaneous).
Previous political experience: I’ve placed 25 Charter Amendments on the ballot in Maryland by collecting 18,000 signatures for each one. These Amendments have received 2,537,000 plus votes altogether, which imposed term limits, limited property tax increases, and forbade garbage dumps and sewage sludge trenching in residential zones. I served in the Maryland House of Delegates, where I fought to reign in state spending, required fiscal notes for…