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Quantum Computing Could be Tech’s Next Hot Theme

Themes like cryptocurrency and AI have driven the market higher in recent years. Quantum computing could be the next hot theme that takes the market by storm, and investors should consider getting ahead of the trend and looking into it now. The Defiance Quantum ETF (NYSEARCA:QTUM) is an exciting ETF dedicated to this high-tech theme.

I’m bullish on QTUM based on the long-term potential of quantum computing, its carefully selected portfolio, and its excellent track record of performance over the past five years. We are still in the early stages of quantum computing, so this could be a high-risk, high-reward investment.

An investment like this is likely best as a smaller allocation for risk-tolerant investors, but as we will discuss below, QTUM does a good job of mitigating some of these risks with a diversified portfolio that benefits from the rise of quantum computing without being…

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