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Lethal Company’s Cosmic Capitalist Catharsis

It’s 3 a.m. and we’re desperately under the gun — the mysterious company says we need 200 more cash and we only have one more day to reach the profit quota. I’m voice-chatting with a few friends as we work to collect resources on foreign planets, grabbing steel gears and metal sheets from abandoned factories teeming with creatures that look like Minecraft mobs badly disfigured by botched plastic surgery. When it’s time to hand over the goods and collect our paycheck, we travel to a loading dock. I press a bell at the window to get the company’s attention. Suddenly, a giant tentacle flies out and mauls my body into bloody spaghetti. I put in all that sweaty effort and the company just killed me? They didn’t even learn my name?

This is how a typical run goes in Lethal Company, a…

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