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Kiplinger Special: The Long-Term Future of the U.S. Economy

To help you understand what is going on in the economy and beyond, our highly experienced Kiplinger Letter team will keep you abreast of the latest developments and forecasts (Get a free issue of The Kiplinger Letter or subscribe). You’ll get all the latest news first by subscribing, but we publish many (but not all) of our forecasts a few days afterward online. Here’s the latest…

Instead of looking ahead to the next quarter or next year, let’s explore how fast the economy can grow in the long run, this decade and beyond. Over a long stretch of time, small jiggles in GDP growth can spell the difference between broad prosperity and hardship, or between the government being able to pay its debt and getting overwhelmed by red ink.  This special report takes a look at the factors that govern the economy’s potential, and what could alter them. 

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