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ISU Physicist Guides US Investment Priorities in Particle Physics

This mural illustrates the new report from the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel, the group that recently wrote the 10-year strategic plan, with 20-year implications, for the country’s particle physics future. Larger image. Illustration by Olena Shmahalo for U.S. Particle Physics.

AMES, Iowa – There are 32 signatures marking approval of the new report from the 2023 Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel.

From Shoji Asai to Robert Zwaska, the signatures are all so different: Some are sharp and spiked. There are loop de loops. A few scratches, a few flourishes. What about Iowa State University’s Amanda Weinstein’s? There’s Amanda with a big, looping A, another loop for middle initial J, then a sharp W and a long line to cross the t and finish up.

It’s a credentialed and accomplished panel of physicists, but as those signatures illustrate, they’re all…

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